"Once of legal age and able to leave the military birth home, engaging in only what seemed 'normal' to me following 18 years of mental, physical and sexual abuse, the first 60 years were spent dancing around all the conflicts* that 'hiding' from truths in one's own Life can cause.
Decades upon decades, 'Hiding' within categories of dysfunction, spanning from A to Z, including Life's events leading to that moment when one takes a serious look at choosing death prematurely or to switch 'directions', because choosing Life is revealing itself more unattractive every day.
In 2009, at age 60, a series of amazing happenings occurred, culminating with my legal name change in the following year to 'Missdeb Can'. I do not recommend this type of change, as our new age of electronics finds it difficult to recognize and until one understands the 'why', some think haughty.
Over the 10+ years of having the chosen name, it has been often scrutinized, even to the degree of being denied credit on the grounds it is 'fictitious'.
The true essence of the name is the 'how and why' it was chosen and the way it has culminated into a daily mantra to encourage self-worth.
The 1st 4 letters of the name, 'Miss', were chosen for a couple of reasons. One of them, I spent many years being raised in the South, thus, 'Miss' common to me. The other, my childhood innocence had been stolen through incest and I was never able to enjoy the chastity of being a 'Miss'.
Connecting the 'Miss' with the 1st 3 letters of my given name, 'Deborah', and having the 'd' in smaller case has been the most empowering. It reminds me every day to pay attention to the needs of my damaged Inner Child, keeping a consistent focus on embracing and creating discipline through Love.
Using the 1st 3 letters of my birth surname, 'Canull', as my chosen last name, 'Can', was, also, purposeful. However, at the time, I had no idea what a positive mantra had been created for myself or how it would lead to the Hope 4 U Message, the Hope 4 U Message Bracelet or inspiration for so many.
I am now inspired daily through changing my adult name to 'Missdeb Can'​. I see no challenge unresolvable and that when we apply the Hope 4 U Message and the 1-2-3 Mental 'W-illness' approach to our lives, we not only gain or regain mental health, but we maintain it and can teach it to others.
I had to face reality that I could not do this alone and sought help from every support system that I needed, gaining a vast amount of experience in resources and at 64 years of age, began supporting movements like #METOO and #NEVERAGAIN, to help as many as I can make similar progress.
For today, I want to encourage you to come out of your painful hiding places (no matter what, when, where, how or why they are); to forgive yourself and your abusers or losses; to engage in the levels of support needed through Love; and to strive to live in the Brilliance through which we were created.
I have discovered regardless of the personal belief on the level of 'what, when, how or why' we got here or the 'where' we are going from here, all agree that our Begin originated through a form of Brilliance, that consistently encourages us toward goodness, wellness and hope in every area of our lives.
The Hope 4 U Message is about leading you in a better direction, toward that 'Brilliance', helping you realize from your past losses some good that came out of each; supporting you along the way so that you can help others a step behind; and applauding you on your journey to becoming your very best."
"May your Life today begin to be filled with an abundance of Brilliance
In more ways than you could have ever imagined
Redirecting your Life toward the Victory you so deserve."
"If Missdeb Can, ANY Body Can!"
It's about the Message.
Pass it On.