"Encouraged in 2018 through taking a Mental 'W-illness' view on Life, I began researching
any pure elements that I could also add to my daily regimen, to enhance my journey to wellness.
Being one who manages around the 24/7 chronic pain symptoms of Lifetime C-PTSD
and 30 yrs+ of Interstitial Cystitis Hunner's Ulcers type, maximizing calm in my Life
in every facet is crucial.
I recruited the wife of my professional photographer, who was already a Distributor
for an essential oil company, to research how adding essential oils to my daily regimen
could benefit me.
The positive results have been numerous and so amazing that I requested there be a Signature Blend of oils created just for Hope 4 U Ministries, so that others could benefit,
as well."
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How Essential Oils can help YOU!